The brightest beacon of light in these dark times are the lifelines that sites like CatLost, DogLost and many of the Facebook pages throw us.
They give a platform to share the plight of our missing and stolen furry family and are our strength and our companions on the journey
I really don’t know where I would be emotionally but for the wave after wave of understanding and help that is out there.
Someone, somewhere will hear your call
Are you looking to join the CatLost community and become a CatLost helper? It's completely free to do so, although our premium package gives you access to our full range of features at a cost of only £12.99 per year.
If you become a CatLost helper, you can register your cat's personal details and photos, meaning that you'll have an instant virtual "missing poster" if he/she ever gets lost. This helps to increase the chances of finding your cat by getting the word out more quickly.
You will also receive updates about lost and stolen cats, enabling you to keep a lookout for lost cats in your local area and update the owners if you experience a sighting. By becoming a CatLost helper, you're joining a community of over 120,000 people who are looking out for each other and their feline friends.
All donations go towards running the website, maintaining the helpline and Keeping CatLost free to all Cat owners!